ASCO 2024 study indicates multi-AI model scalability key in streamlining of clinical trial site selection process


CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ – ConcertAI, the leader in oncology predictive and generative AI SaaS and Real-World Data (RWD) Solutions for clinical research, announced the results of the study to be presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting 2024 showing that its Digital Trial Solutions (DTS) platform’s multi-AI model scalability underscores its practical utility in streamlining the site selection process for clinical research networks, academic centers, industry sponsored trials, cooperative group studies, and investigator-initiated studies.

Clinical data are complex and clinical trials involve multiple criteria and often multiple modalities of data to establish eligibility for prospective participation. ConcertAI’s Digital Trial Solution is enabled by the company CARA ai platform, supporting multi-AI model inferences deployed on multi-modal data. At ASCO 2024 the company is presenting its multi-model AI study that provided a robust, efficient, and interpretable approach to clinical trial site for specific clinical studies. The models addressed the challenges posed by increasingly complicated protocols, requirements for study participant racial, ethnic and economic diversity, and other heterogeneous site features. The study looked at a Multiple Myeloma clinical trial protocol, with an eligible cohort of 15,881 patients across 1,246 US clinical sites. The model was design to optimize patient diversity, while assuring that at least 10 patients per month were enrolled across sites to achieve the targeted study accrual timeline. The result was a set of 3 sites enrolling 12 patients per month with 51% of the prospectively enrolled patients meeting study diversity criteria. The multi-model inferences were compared with expert clinical trial managers doing detailed manual review of prospective patients over the course of many weeks.

"This study confirms the utility of advanced AI and machine learning to optimize clinical trial designs and site selection. It further reflects the value of multi-AI model inferences, derived from multi-modal data, at national scale. By objectively analyzing massive datasets on investigator experience, patient populations, and site operations, the CARA ai supported analyses infer the most promising sites for sponsors more quickly and more accurately than traditional approaches,” stated Jeff Elton, PhD, CEO of ConcertAI. “Streamlining this critical step gets new therapies into clinical trials quicker, which means getting life-saving treatments to patients sooner.”

DTS is a comprehensive and secure platform, based on the ConcertAI CARA ai platform, designed to manage clinical research from patient-to-trial matching through to full trial automation eliminating the need for manual data entry. It simplifies and reduces the burden on clinical trial staff by streamlining the screening and enrollment process and automating data entry and migration from the medical record into the electronic data capture system or clinical data warehouse.

This study will be presented at a poster session at the ASCO Annual Meeting 2024 on Saturday, June 1, between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm. Please visit poster #429 to learn more during that time. Alternatively, please visit the ConcertAI booth number 12045 at any time during exhibit hall hours.


About ConcertAI: ConcertAI is the leader in Predictive and Generative AI SaaS and Real-world Data research solutions and healthcare and life sciences. Our mission is to accelerate insights and outcomes for patients through research-ready data, AI technologies, and scientific expertise in partnership with the leading biomedical innovators, health care providers, and medical societies. ConcertAI solutions are deployed at 2,000 clinical providers around the world and 45 leading biopharmaceutical companies. Headquartered in Cambridge, MA, ConcertAI has offices in Frankfurt, London, Philadelphia, Raleigh-Durham, and Tokyo. For more information, visit us at